Arctic Fox
These species aim for small targets. They sense their targets in the vast region. They are small and weak but use clever tactics. They have some unique features too.
Their fur color changes with the season. In the winter they have white fur while in the summer brown.
Lemmings are their main diet. But they would eat anything that is available in the frozen tundra due to the cold climate.
Both father and mother stay together to raise their children. Litters are usually 5 to 8 but can be more than 20.
They are Monogamous animals - have only one partner for live.
Usually from 3 to 4 years in the wild and up to 14 years in captivity.
In the arctic. Specifically: Canada, Alaska, Greenland, Iceland, northern parts of Russia and Scandinavia.
Except humans Wolves, Golden eagles, and Polar bears are treat. Youngsters are not always safe. They can be dug out of the den.
Usually in the spring. The partner searching may start in the winter.
Adult males weight averagely 3.5 kg (7.7 lb). Females about 2.9 kg (6.4 lb). Small size makes them pray to other animals.
Thick fur and excellent heating system allow them to not shiver in the cold. temperature as down as-70°C (-94°F) can be endured.
Excellent hearing allows them to track their pray. They jump high and dive headfirst into the snow.
Poor eyesight but excellent sense of hearing.