

Their location is actually wider than most people think. There are species across all continents of the southern hemisphere except Asia. Evolution didn't give them fly abilities. But instead gave them swimming ability. They hold some pretty interesting features. They are pretty famous Antarctic animals.


Since most of them are not prayed by animals on ground, they aren't scared from humans.


Mainly in the Antarctic but also in South America, South parts of Africa and New Zealand, Australia.


Larger species habit colder areas. Their bodies endure low temperatures. Smaller of them inhabit warmer areas


Entirely Seafood. Species near the equator eat fish. Others near Antarctica consume squid or krill.


Mostly during spring or summer. They breed in large colonies of hundreds.


They spent more than half of their lifetime underwater.


If an emperor penguin mother finds her child dead, she may kidnap an unrelated chick.


With excellent hearing parents identify their chicks when they call.


15 to 20 years. Depends what's specie is it.


Mostly prayed by leopard seal. Rarely by sharks or killer whales.


This means males and females look alike. Unlike animals like lions


Excellent swimmers who can hold their breath for about 10 minutes.

Emperor Penguin VS Little Penguin

Emperor is the tallest and heaviest in penguin specie. It inhabits the Antarctic . It isn't prayed by any animal on ground. Little penguin inhabits south coasts of Australia and New Zealand . Unlike Emperor, it is prayed on ground from cats, dogs, rats, foxes, large reptiles ect. Little specie has several disadvantages. But it's population is about 1 million. Emperor's population is 600 000. Little mates are more probable to receive help from humans. That's because of the warm environment they inhabit. Some organizations even offer adoption or donations for small species.
  • Largest by size
  • Inhabits harsh environment
  • Not prayed on ground
  • Less population
  • Receives human help often
  • Smallest by size
  • Inhabits milder environment
  • Is prayed on ground
  • Higher population
  • Receives human help occasionally